From voice to text in 3 easy steps

How it Works

  1. 1

    Record or upload

    Record audio directly in the web recorder or with our smartphone app, or upload existing recordings from a voice recorder.

  2. 2

    Complete transcription

    Our industry-specific trained professionals transcribe your files with 99%+ accuracy, 100% done by humans.

  3. 3

    Receive your document

    Transcripts are delivered and archived by SpeechLive, via web browser, app or email.

Transcription service pricing

Simply make a payment for the desired amount in your SpeechLive account. Every time you use the transcription service, the corresponding amount will automatically be deducted from your balance.


£0.99 /min

excl. VAT

24-hour turn around
for up to 120 min audio



5-hour turn around
for up to 25 min audio

2 speakers: £1.75/min

3 speakers: £2.25/min

4-5 speakers: £2.45/min

6+ speakers: £2.95/min


£2.80 /min

excl. VAT

24-hour turn around
for up to 120 min audio



8-hour turn around
for up to 25 min audio

2 speakers: £4.24/min

3 speakers: £5.33/min

4-5 speakers: £8.44/min

6+ speakers: on request


£2.50 /min

excl. VAT

24-hour turn around
for up to 120 min audio



not available

2 speakers: £3.25/min

3 speakers: £3.85/min

4-5 speakers: £4.45/min

6+ speakers: £4.95/min

See the detailed terms and conditions for our transcription service.
See an overview of our prices for a SpeechLive subscription and all services.

See what's includedGet a free trial

Record like a pro

Voice Recording

Record directly in the browser with the SpeechLive web recorder or use our smartphone app to record, edit and send dictation files directly from your smartphone.