What is multi-factor authentication and why is it so important?Beveiliging What role does multi-factor authentication play in effective cybersecurity and why should users of speech to text systems take advantage of its capabilities? 08 October 2022
How secure is SpeechLive? Safer than you thinkBeveiliging Security is the highest priority of many online users these days. In 2019, the Norton CyberSecurity Report stated that over 90 percent of global online users had at least one significant concern about data privacy. 07 October 2022
Dictation can improve a law student's careerStudenten In 2020, according to the American Bar Association, there were 34,420 Law School Graduates, and 8.3% of them were unemployed. Every Law Student wants to up their game when it comes to applying for Law Firms. 06 October 2022
Making speech recognition a part of your document creationHow-tos Alexa, Siri and Google have been around for a while and increasingly change how we manage our everyday lives. The surge in using voice technology has seen yet another shift caused by the global pandemic and the many restrictions that came with it. 05 October 2022
Addressing 9 common pitfalls in dictation and speech recognitionHow-tos Dictation can be learned quickly and being aware of common pitfalls right from the get go will save you time and avoid unnecessary frustration. We have collected 9 tips to follow which will make dictation and speech recognition a breeze. Keep these in mind and working with your voice will become an indispensable tool in your daily work life. 04 October 2022