Create a new dictation

  1. Start the SpeechLive Mobile App.

  2. Tap on the new_dictation_icon.png button in the lower right corner.

  3. Tap on the Record speechlive_app_icon-record.png button to start a new dictation.


    We recommend that you only record dictations up to one hour in length. For longer recordings, consider creating separate dictation files.

  4. Please allow the app access to the microphone of your device to continue.

  5. During the recording, you can pause by taping the Pause speechlive_app_icon-pause.png button.

  6. After you're finished:

    • Tap save_icon.png to save and close your dictation.

      X Your dictation is saved and automatically synchronized with SpeechLive.


      If you're signed in via SpeechExec Enterprise, drafts are only saved locally in the app and are not synchronized to the server.

    • Tap send_to_button.png and choose Typist to send the dictation directly to a typist. The Send dictations to a typist section covers this in more details.


Some Samsung devices record / play back distorted audio. In this case we advise to turn off Bluetooth until a bugfix has been released by Samsung.

Rewind and Fast forward

Hold rewind-icon.png to rewind or hold forward_icon.psd to fast forward in the recording.


You can also move the cursor speechlive_app_cursor.png in the waveform to jump to the desired position.

Tap rewind-icon.png once to jump to the beginning of the recording.

Tap forward_icon.psd once to jump to the end of the recording.