Set up iManage integration

To use SpeechLive with iManage you need to configure the SpeechLive integration within iManage as well as enable iManage in SpeechLive:

Add SpeechLive in iManage

Activate iManage integration in SpeechLive


This function is only available for SpeechLive Enterprise.

Add SpeechLive in iManage

SpeechLive is only supported for iManage Work Web at

  1. Sign in to your iManage account.

  2. Open the Control Center.

  3. Open the Applications section on the left side of the screen.

  4. Click on Add Application and search for SpeechLive.

  5. Click on SpeechLive in the list and next click on Authentication. Now follow the steps to add SpeechLive to the iManage applications.

Activate iManage integration in SpeechLive

This section is only available for account administrators. See User roles for more information.

After successfully adding SpeechLive in iManage you need to activate the integration for your workflow users:

  1. Navigate to the Administration tab, click on More... and choose Integrations.

  2. Activate the switch in the iManage integration section to activate the iManage button for your workflow users (see Share dictations and attachments with iManage).
