Purchase speech recognition

SpeechLive offers different types of speech recognition:

SpeechLive speech recognition
  • During the initial order process you can select the number of speech recognition packages you want to order.

  • If you already have an active SpeechLive subscription, just navigate to AdministrationAccountOnline shop in SpeechLive and buy the number of packages you need.

  • The speech recognition package is obtained for the remaining duration of your SpeechLive subscription.

  • Speech recognition is only available as an addon package for SpeechLive Pro or Enterprise.

Dragon speech recognition

Dragon speech recognition is only available for partner activated accounts (see Type of purchase for more information). Please contact your SpeechLive partner to purchase Dragon speech recognition.

  • Dragon speech recognition is independent from the remaining duration of your SpeechLive subscription and has its own runtime.

  • Speech recognition is only available as an addon package for SpeechLive Pro or Enterprise.