Whats New (2022)

2022, December 19
Mobile App 1.12.1 (iOS) / 1.10.1 (Android)

Bugfix: We fixed a bug when sending Speech-to-text recordings via email.

2022, December 16
Mobile App 1.12.0 (iOS) / 1.10.0 (Android)

We improved the error handling when the app was unable to connect to the server.

2022, November 18
Mobile App 1.11.2 (iOS) / 1.9.2 (Android)

Bugfix: During the synchronisation process, users would receive some error messages and the upload failed. For some Android users this would also cause the app to crash.

2022, November 16
Desktop App 3.1.7 (Windows)
  • We further enhanced the dictation properties support when automatically uploading dictations from Olympus devices: The priority field is now also carried over to SpeechLive.

  • The app now also supports Olympus DS7000 and DS9500 devices.

2022, October 27
Desktop App 3.1.6 (Windows)
  • Dictation properties from Olympus 9000 devices are now also carried over to SpeechLive (when using the automatic upload function).

  • Bugfix: For some users, the “Failed to communicate with SpeechLive. The application will restart.” error was causing problems

2022, October 24
Mobile App 1.11.0 (iOS) / 1.9.0 (Android)
Background sending

When saving a dictation, data is now synchronized in the background. You can continue working, while the app uploads your changes.

Time selection for due date

You can now also select a time frame when adding a due date to a dictation. This is especially important, if the transcript of a dictation needs to be ready at a certain time of the day.

Send to speech to text in SpeechExec Enterprise

If you're signed in via SpeechExec Enterprise, you can now send dictations to speech to text (requires SpeechKit). This enables SpeechExec Enterprise users to utilize the advantages of speech to text via the app.

Remember last SpeechExec Enterprise URL

When users sign out from SpeechExec Enterprise, the last URL entered during the sign in process is now still pre-filled, making the SpeechExec Enterprise sign in process more convenient.

Bugfix: The app sometimes crashed when users were switching the dictation priority (Android)

Bugfix: Updates to the dictation title where not always saved (Android)

Bugfix: Fixed support for Custom work type and category for Mobile device management (Android)

2022, October 5
Web App
Microsoft Azure Active Directory Single Sign-On

We added support for Microsoft Azure Active Directory Single Sign-On. After configured by the IT administrator of an organization, users can log in to SpeechLive using their Microsoft account credentials. This way, users no longer need to remember separate login credentials, they can just use their company login information. This improves the account security (since users usually require stronger passwords for their organisation) and simplifies the work for administrator, since they no longer need to manage separate passwords.

2022, September 19
Web App
Microsoft Edge support

We added support for Microsoft Edge, offering more browser choices for our users.

2022, September 13
Web App
Time selection for due date

You can now also select a time frame when adding a due date to a dictation. This is especially important, if the transcript of a dictation needs to be ready at a certain time of the day.

2022, September 9
Philips Voice Recorder App 4.6.36 (iOS)

Bugfix: Crash on iOS 16 after repeated recording and pausing

2022, September 6
Desktop App 3.1.4 (Windows)
  • We made some internal improvements to prepare the app for future updates.

2022, August 16
Web App
Rename custom columns

You can now rename the custom columns in the settings. Changing the name of the columns helps users to find the desired information in the respective custom fields faster and further customize it to their own needs.


The changes are also visible in the dictation properties, to help users enter the correct data and stay consistent when entering data.

Improvements when deleting users

We improved the user deletion process: When deleting the last transcriptionist of an account it is now possible to choose an author to take over dictations still assigned to the transcriptionist.

2022, August 8
Mobile App 1.10.0 (iOS) / 1.8.0 (Android)
Delete local dictation data

We added a new setting, allowing users to delete locally saved data of the app. This option helps the users to preserver storage space on their device.

Improvements when offline

We improved the error display when the user is offline. The status is displayed in the dictation list and users are not disturbed by recurring error messages.

Do not disturb (Android)

We added a new setting for Android: Users can now suppress notifications whilst they are recording, to avoid unwanted interruptions.

What’s new and What’s coming up

We added two new options to the settings menu:

  • What’s new: Users can directly access the release history and learn about the latest features and functions added to SpeechLive.

  • What’s coming up: This new section allows a glimpse into upcoming features planned for the coming months.

Bugfix: If authors created a new dictation without recording anything or making changes, it was still saved as draft when closing the dictation. This produced dictations with a duration of 0:00 in the dictation list, creating extra work for the users.

Bugfix: Sometimes the remember typist or teams setting did not work.

2022, July 13
Web App
Rearrangeable columns

You can now manually rearrange the columns in the dictation list. This helps authors and transcriptionists to keep a better overview of their dictations and quickly access the columns they need the most (e.g. dictation title, due date etc.).

2022, July 6
Web App
SpeechLive Desktop App Download Link

We improved the automatic upload screen and added the option to download the SpeechLive Desktop App. With only one click the users can download the latest version of the app, enabling them to automatically upload dictations to SpeechLive.


2022, June 28
Mobile App 1.9.0 (iOS) / 1.7.0 (Android)
More priority levels for dictations

We added a new priority level to dictations: Critical.

Users were already able to mark dictations with a higher priority. This prioritization was further expanded, users can now choose between three different priority levels:

  • Standard: Is the default state of every new dictation and means no specific prioritization

  • High: Is the equivalent of the old setting which was available before

  • Critical: Authors can mark urgent dictations as critical

The priority level is also represented via different icons in the dictation list:

Due date for dictations

We added the option to set a due date for dictations. Authors can simply go to the dictation properties and select the desired due date:

2022, June 27
Web App
More priority levels for dictations

We added a new priority level to dictations: Critical.

Users were already able to mark dictations with a higher priority. This prioritization was further expanded, users can now choose between three different priority levels:


  • Standard: Is the default state of every new dictation and means no specific prioritization

  • High: Is the equivalent of the old setting which was available before

  • Critical: Authors can mark urgent dictations as critical

The priority level is also represented via different icons in the dictation list:


What’s new and What’s coming up


We added two new options to the help button of SpeechLive:

  • What’s new: Users can directly access the release history and learn about the latest features and functions added to SpeechLive.

  • What’s coming up: This new section allows a glimpse into upcoming features planned for the coming months.

2022, June 1
Web App
Due date for dictations

We added the option to set a due date for dictations. Authors can simply go to the dictation properties and select the desired due date:


A new column in the dictation list shows the due date there as well. Transcriptionists can then sort the dictations by due date, to prioritize dictations with the earliest due date:


The search function also contains the option to filter dictations by a specific due date:


2022, May 12
Mobile App 1.8.3 (iOS) / 1.6.3 (Android)
  • Bugfix: The dictation list did not refresh automatically when returning to the app from background (iOS).

  • Bugfix: Frequent network connection changes sometimes made the app unable to detect a connection (iOS).

  • Bugfix: Screen transition issues on some Android 12 devices fixed (Android).

  • Bugfix: On some Android 12 devices, frequent network connection changes made the app unable to detect a connection (Android).

  • Bugfix: SpeechExec Enterprise authors with the active directory domain in their name could not upload dictations (Android).

2022, May 5
Web App
  • Authors can now use the foot control or the buttons of the SpeechMike/SpeechOne to start new dictations or speech-to-text sessions from the dictation list (Philips Device Connector is required). After configuring the foot control, it's also possible to finish dictations, enabling hands-free working.

  • Added additional information regarding speech-to-text usage to the account activities information.

2022, April 19
Mobile App 1.8.2 (iOS) / 1.6.2 (Android)
  • Improved error logging

2022, March 30
Web App
  • We improved the speech-to-text functionality of SpeechLive for the web version, as well as the Mobile and Desktop App.

2022, March 28
Web App
  • Bugfix: Some links in the activation emails did not work.

  • Bugfix: After recovering real-time speech-to-text sessions, some additional commas where added to the transcript.

2022, March 24
Mobile App 1.8.1 (iOS) / 1.6.1 (Android)
  • The security prompt feature was expanded to further increase app security. The prompt will be shown whenever the app is accessed (e.g. when switching between other apps) as well as when the screen is locked during an ongoing session.

  • Bugfix: A font in the login screen has been corrected (iOS).

  • Bugfix: If the users pressed record / pause very quickly in rapid succession, the interface froze (Android).

2022, March 2
Mobile App 1.8.0 (iOS) / 1.6.0 (Android)
  • Added a new setting to define the preferred typist or team for dictations as well as the option to remember the selection.

  • Increased app security: Added a setting to activate a security prompt before every app start

  • Added a new setting to define a default Work type as well as Category for all new dictations

  • Flexible assignment for speech to text: Change the assignment between different typists or teams (only available if correction pending setting is activated in SpeechLive web)

  • Added support for SpeechExec Enterprise 8 (and additionally Azure Application Proxy)

  • Added support for Unified Endpoint Management (UEM) as well as Mobile device management (MDM) to set the configuration of the app remotely

  • Fixed a bug where menu items persisted after the phone screen locks (Android)

2022, February 28
Web App
  • Added a new setting to define the preferred typist or team for dictations as well as the option to remember the selection.

2022, February 17
Desktop App 3.1.0 (Windows)
  • Added support for virtual environments.

  • Bugfix: Voice commands where not always shown correctly.